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Email and Social Media Product Review

Create an Entire Email and Social Media Review Around an Affiliate Offer

For some of your higher-value affiliate promotions, you may want to go a little further ensuring that your audience knows about the product. You can do this by creating an entire email and social media-based review around an affiliate offer. Let’s look at how to do that in the best possible way so that it gets the most views and the most clicks and purchases.

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Use the Product

If you don’t use the product, it’s going to be hard to give a piece of knowledgeable information about it, especially in a really thorough review. You can even make this a longer review by making it a story each day that you open the product. You can do this in numerous ways, but you must use the product.

Review the Product Thoroughly on Your Blog

Collect all the information, images, videos, and everything you’ve created using the product together so that you can write up a blog post to publish about the product you’re using and reviewing. Add the affiliate link several times in the post as well as at the end of the post in a CTA so that they can buy it the minute they get the urge while reading and viewing the review.

Use Multiple Formats

For this post, you want to use many types of formats such as video, images, and text. You can use your face in the video, or you can do a screen share to show the audience how the product works for them to solve their problem.

Share in Email

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Once the blog post is published, share it also in your email. You can share it in a couple ways. You can directly paste the post into your email, or you can do a blurb about it and post the blurb and the link to the blog post in email. Either way, make sure to put an affiliate link directly to the product within the email, too.

Share to Social Media

Once you’ve sent out the email now, you’ll want to share the blog post to social media as well. You can share it by cutting and pasting, or you can also write up a social media blurb and link to the blog post.

Do It More Than Once

Remember, people may not see your offers the first time you make them. Therefore, you should add evergreen emails to your autoresponder more than once with new subject lines to go out at a different time of day and only to people segmented to receive them.

You must use the product to do this type of product review. When you do a product review, be sure to mention the problem you were trying to solve and how the product directly solves the problem. Be detailed, show progress images, and after images if that is appropriate.

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