retargetting ads

Retargeting – Get a Second Chance to Make That Affiliate Sale

Using Facebook Advertising to Get a Second Chance at Making That Affiliate Sale

One of the best ways to bring traffic back to your site and offers once they’ve been there before is through retargeting. The way retargeting works is you are given a little bit of code called a pixel that you put on your site following the instructions the system will provide.

This pixel then works to install code on your visitor’s browser. This code then triggers the advertising system to deliver the ad you created and uploaded to them. Facebook pixels work to deliver retargeting ads on both Instagram and Facebook.

What’s more, is that it’s not expensive, and it can be highly effective. Statistically, it’s more effective to bring someone back to your site than to try to get someone to your site that’s never been there.

How it Works

A visitor reads your blog post about their problem. When they go to the blog post, because you installed the pixel, a cookie is delivered to your visitor’s browser. Now the visitor leaves your website and goes back to their day.

That cookie identifies the computer as having gone to the page, and that tells the platform, like Facebook, to now deliver the retargeting ads that you created to that person. It will deliver it to them as many times as you set the system up to show them the advertisement. It’s recommended that you’re careful and don’t appear too “stalkerish”. Spread out the exposure and try not to bombard them, keeping in mind that most people need 7 to 14 exposures to click.

If they see the advertisement while browsing around on Facebook and click on the link, they’ll go to what you sent them to when you set up the advertisement. You can send them to another post, a product review, or even a sales page. It’s up to you. What’s more, you can get very specific about your retargeting to just be about a specific page and not just anywhere on your site. Doing this will make retargeting much more effective.

Retargetted Traffic More Likely to Click

Retargeted people are more likely to click on your ad than someone who doesn’t know who you are. They are three to five times more likely to click because they’ve already read some of your content and they already trust you. Of course, every audience is different in how they respond, you’ll likely want to test out what works best for your niche and audience type to get them to convert to customers.

A retargeting advertisement is one of the simplest and most effective forms of advertising you can do on Facebook. If you want to try any type of advertisement to boost traffic and sales, this is something to try before you try any other types of ads. They’re going to be effective since it’s someone who has already gone to your site, so you won’t have to worry about the targeting portion of crafting the ad.

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