Use Google Analytics to Boost Your Affiliate Income

How Google Analytics Can Help You Boost Your Affiliate Income

You’ve probably figured out by now that part of being a superstar affiliate is to pay attention to the numbers. The data you and your ideal audience generate can teach you more about what you need to do to succeed than any trick or tactic that anyone can tell you about.

Because the fact is, no tip will work for every audience. When you try something, make sure a data point or two is attached that you can test to find out if the work you are doing is effective or not. This way you can be sure you’re doing all you can to boost your income and add value to your customers’ lives.

One way to figure out information about your audience is to study your outbound clicks. These are the clicks your website visitors use to leave your site. If you’ve built your site well, most of the outbound clicks (clicks leaving your site) should be affiliate links. You can learn a lot from outbound clicks.

What Your Audience Wants

Knowing what links they’re clicking on will inform you about what your audience likes the most. Not only that where they’re clicking is also important. If you find out, for example, that your links at certain portions of your page don’t get clicked as much as others, that can help you with placement.

Understand Your Customers’ Behavior

Knowing how your customers behave based on the content you’re providing to them and the links you have is important. You can use that information to help you come up with more solutions or information to promote solutions.

Give You Content Ideas

Whatever is being clicked on more than others should inform the subject matter of the content that you are going to create. Figure out if you can come up with some more content about that topic from a different angle and in a different format.

Quantify Traffic You’re Sending Partners

It’s also good to narrow down per link the traffic you’re sending out so that you can use those numbers in negotiations with product creators to get a higher commission, bonuses, or to even be qualified to promote certain high-end products.

Go to Google Analytics now and run an outbound link report to find out this information. Go to your site and note the links that have been clicked and compare them to links that aren’t getting clicked. Alter where you put links so that you put them in spots on your site most likely to get the clicks. Note the subject, create more content, and note how much traffic you’re sending so that you can use that to your advantage.

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