free traffic tips

2 More Traffic and Blog Promotion Tips

In our previous post 3 Traffic and Blog Promotion Tips for Seniors we talked about increased content creation, using social media, and guest blogging. In this post, I want to cover 2 more traffic tips you can use for your blog.

1. Master Headline Creation to Get More Clicks

All of this content you’ll be writing may be some of the most thorough, interesting content the general public has ever read. But guess what? No one will know that if you can’t craft a title or headline worthy of getting the initial clickthrough.

Just think about how most people read a newspaper or magazine.  They look at the title of the article or column to see if they think it is worth their time. If it does not catch their interest they move on. It is no different online.

Many senior marketers focus so hard on their SEO efforts and keyword strategies that they never pay attention to whether or not the title would pique the interest of those who see the link being shared, enough to click through on it and see what it was all about.

It’s not enough to cram a keyword phrase into a title. You need to make it interesting so that people Attention grabbingcan’t wait to absorb the information. You may not be that great at writing headlines or titles at first.

That’s okay. This is a skill that takes some time to master. You’ll learn, based on your traffic statistics, what works and what fails to drum up any interest when you start putting links out there and seeing what the results are.

There are many people who only use RSS feeds to see what’s recently been published that they may want to read. But even if it’s shared on social media, usually, not much more than the title or headline gets seen in a feed.

Your Title Needs to Pop

So your title needs to pop and draw their attention to your post. You still want (and need) to use those keyword phrases, but you also want to evoke some sort of emotion in the reader so they just have to click through.

That emotion can be disbelief, anger, excitement, shock, or even just plain old curiosity. One type of curiosity keyword title might be something like, 17 Reasons Your Blog Is Failing to Get Traffic.

If you’re someone struggling to get traffic, you’re going to be curious if you’re doing any of those 17 things causing your blog traffic to struggle. A disbelief headline might be something like, How to Feed a Family of Four on $5 a Day!

This would be good if your niche were parenting, cooking, or budget finances, for example. Most people couldn’t fathom spending just $5 a day, so they click through because they can’t believe it – and they want to know more.

The one thing you never want to do is engage in click-baiting your traffic. Clickbait is when a headline promises one thing, but the blog post delivers something else. You always want the reader to get what they came for.

Use Headline Checkers or Creation Tools

If you’re not adept at writing headlines yourself, there are many tools that can help you by showing you certain powerful words you can use to generate more interest in your titles.

You can always outsource this task to a copywriter who does it for a living. This would cost you some money, but if you aren’t concerned with the budget, it might be worth it to get some help from a pro as you learn the ropes.

As you sit down to write your blog titles, think of who your target audience is and jot down a few headlines to consider. You can even mix and match them a bit after seeing them on paper until it’s just right.

2. Use Viral, Rebrandable Blog Compilation Reports

As a senior niche blogger, you’ll be writing tons of content over the coming months and years. You need to know all of the many ways that content can be repurposed for increased traffic without having to write something completely new.viral social media

You can certainly do things like use the post as a transcript for a video presentation or an audio podcast. You can even compile your blog posts and tweak them for a paid course if you want to turn them into a complete eBook or video module info product.

Use Categories Consistently

One thing you may want to do is compile them into viral, re-brandable short reports. This is perfect if you’re consistent about categorizing your blog entries whenever you publish them.

Every time you publish a blog post, it will have a section for any tags (keywords) you want to label it with. It also allows you to categorize it under a label of your choosing. You can even have parent (main) and child (sub) categories.

So for instance, let’s say your niche site is all about dieting and losing weight as a whole. This umbrella topic can house many sub-categories, like calorie deficit dieting, keto dieting, vegetarian dieting, and so on.

Drill Down for Targeted Traffic

Even within those topics, you can drill down. So for keto dieting, you might have a category for net carb counting, one for total carb counting, one for clean keto, and another for dirty keto dieters.

Depending on how much content you have for each topic or sub-topic, you can compile as few as five blog posts into a PDF that has links to your blog posts or landing (squeeze) page in it.

You can allow other marketers in that niche to give away the PDF version of your compilation to their readers as a free gift. Usually, you’ll allow them to rebrand it with their name.

This doesn’t give them credit. It simply adds something like, “Presented by…” and their name. They may even use it to build their list, but when the reader downloads the gift and reads it, they see your name inside and can follow the hyperlinks back to your site to get on your list.

This strategy is especially helpful for those who have developed their own info product for sale. Your affiliates will love to have the viral, rebrandable report to use as a presell, warm-up report for their subscribers and the links inside can go straight to your product’s sales page.

Being a senior niche blogger is a fun journey into the hobbies and passions that matter most to you. Make the most of it by being diligent about your audience’s content needs and how you spread the word about everything you create for them!

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