posting consistency

Blog Tip for Seniors – Consistency

Now that you have your blog set up, another key to keeping your readers interested is posting consistently to your blog.  You don’t have to post every day, although some people do. Just be sure to maintain consistency, whatever timing works best for you.

How to Keep Consistency in your Blog Schedule

Once your readers enjoy your content, they’re going to be hungry for more. Some can get demanding about your publishing schedule. Those who aren’t vocal about it may simply find someone else to follow and read if you are inconsistent with your blog schedule.

You never want to bite off more than you can chew. Trying to keep up with a stringent schedule, such as one or more blog posts per day, might make you burn out in exhaustion.

It’s almost worse when an audience gets used to frequent blog posts.  When you can’t keep up with the previous pace you set for yourself you lose your audience. So make sure you’re capable of keeping up with the blog schedule you set up.

If writing from scratch becomes too much for you, you can use premade private label rights (PLR) content in your niche. PLR is content someone writes and then sells to multiple buyers.

You can then tweak it (edit it to their style) and put your name on it as the author. So you might not feel like writing or may not have time.  A batch of good PLR articles can be posted to your blog to free you up for other things.

When you get PLR, you can mix and match content, delete things from it, add things to it.  Make sure to add personalization, add links to promote products that you recommend, and more! You can buy reports and eBooks and break them up into many blog posts.  It doesn’t have to be labeled as blog post PLR to use it as such.

schedule consistency

Once you have the content you need for the week, you don’t have to set an alarm and wake up to hit the publish button for each daily post. WordPress allows you to automate the scheduling of each post.

You can queue up your blog posts and have them set to go out for a month or longer! This is perfect for seniors who may want more time to relax or time to travel, without having to be tied to their laptops every day.

You should be building your list from your blog.  You can have your blog post go live and then schedule your email autoresponder to go out with a link to your blog for your subscribers.

Having everything automated takes a big burden off of you.  You can do it as far or as little in advance as you want to. You might want to spend one day a week queueing up posts and emails for the upcoming week.  It is up to you to decide.

I like to queue up enough blog posts for either a week or a month, depending on the schedule for that particular blog.  You will find the schedule that works best for you as you progress.

Our next senior affiliate blogger tip is about the types of media to use in your blog.


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