How to Leverage Your Experience as a Senior

Being a Senior has it advantages.  As seniors, we have been around a while and most of us have experienced many different things in our lives.  We have also tried our hands at various jobs or hobbies over the years.

What in life are you passionate about?

What makes you smile and feel warm and fuzzy when you think about it?

In most cases, you can leverage your passion and experience into an online career.

It could be golf, your pets or growing heirloom tomatoes. Whatever you’re passionate about in life can be used.

Seniors, in particular, are finding a new way to plan their retirement years. Some have become experts in what they loved doing in their off times before retirement. The internet provides a way that you can turn a passion into profit.

For example, you may have a passion for gardening and have lots of ideas about how to grow vegetables, flowers, exotic plants or succulents. There are people who look online for that type of help and guidance.

One way to make money on your passion is to create a blog. Set yourself up as an expert (be sure you are) in your chosen topic and write about it. Setting up a blog is one of the easiest online paths you can take to begin a new career.

Your niche blog (for example, gardening) will offer tips and advice. You could write your own info product to offer for sale. If you don’t see yourself as a writer, hire a freelancer to do the work – with your input.

If you don’t want the work that comes with creating, selling and supporting your own product, you can  become an affiliate. That means you recommend other people’s products on your blog.

For example, if you’ve found a nifty gardening tool on Amazon, add the link to your blog. If the person clicks on the link and purchases the product you recommended, you get a commission.

You could also link to other bloggers’ products. These are people you might get to know on social media outlets and who have the same interests as you. When your reader clicks on the link you’ve provided to another vendor, you get a commission if the product is purchased.

Another way to monetize your blog is to place ads on the blog.  Ads work the same as an affiliate link. When your reader chooses to purchase the product from clicking on the ad, you receive a commission (sometimes earning money just for the click – even if they don’t buy a thing).

Be careful. Only list affiliate links or ads for those products you believe in.  The audience you build for your blog or website will be turned off if you’re recommending a shoddy product or poor information.

With only a minimum of setup cost, you can create your own blog that can help you supplement your income.

Seniors are not only turning to the internet to supplement their incomes, but also for the pleasure they gain from sharing their expertise with others.

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