create bonuses

Stand Out by Creating Special Bonuses

Create Special Bonuses for High-Value Launches to Stand Out from the Crowd

Smart product creators know that when a popular affiliate adds their own bonus offers to their products, sales go up. To accommodate this, many use software that enables them to allow their affiliates to add a bonus right in the system to make it easy but even if they don’t you can still create a bonus offer – you may just need to be more creative to accomplish it. No worries, I’m going to tell you how to do it now.

Bonuses Incentivize Customers

Your audience knows that you have high standards for the products you recommend to them. When you have a truly high-value offer to make to them that you include your own high-value bonus with, it’s going to make them even happier to buy from you.

Suppose you normally make it a habit to include an amazing bonus. In that case, they may even wait until you make the offer during popular launches instead of buying it directly from the vendor. How exciting is that?


Bonuses to Offer

When you are considering the types of bonuses to offer to incentivize customers to buy from your affiliate link for that high-value offer, you want to ensure that the bonus helps them implement, use, or better enjoy the original product you want them to buy. For example, if the product you sell them is about setting up Facebook Ads, maybe you have a wonderful template or checklist that will help them use the product more easily.

If you are promoting a comprehensive online course on photography, a highly valuable bonus could be an exclusive eBook that dives deep into advanced photo editing techniques. This eBook can cover topics not extensively touched upon in the course, such as using specific software for retouching, creating presets, or advanced color grading methods. Including before-and-after examples, step-by-step guides can make this bonus incredibly appealing. This not only helps in the practical application of the course’s content but also enriches the customer’s learning experience, making your affiliate offer stand out.

Ways to Deliver Your Bonus Offers

One of the hardest parts of figuring out a bonus offer isn’t coming up with the offer but the delivery method. But there are ways around everything so let’s explore a few ideas. Some affiliate marketing platforms like for example, if enabled, will allow affiliates to add their bonuses directly so that when someone buys, they get sent to the bonus product right after they download the original product.

That’s easy. But, if that is not available, there are ways you can accomplish this manually. One way is to set up a download page with a passcode on your site and tell them you’ll give them the download information for the bonus after they email you a receipt that they purchased to a special email address you can set up on Gmail to keep it better organized.

You can also use software that creates forms with a link to a webpage that they can go to and upload their receipt. Once they do that, they’ll be put on an email list just for people who purchased that product. The autoresponder will then deliver to them the link to download the bonus.

Creating special bonuses for high-value launches will make you stand out from the crowd and help you get more of those all-important first-launch day sales. By incorporating bonus offers into high-value offers, you’ll start winning a lot more creator launch contests.

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