3 Common Obstacles for Senior Online Entrepreneurs

Senior online entrepreneurs often begin their journey out of necessity. Perhaps they involuntarily lost their jobs.  Maybe they had to retire on  savings that are totally inadequate for today’s cost of living.

There are certain challenges in building a business on the ‘net that are unique to some seniors.

1. Little or no knowledge of computers or the internet

One problem is that many seniors don’t know or understand the intricacies of the new computer technology. They may flounder or become discouraged as they try to learn.

 It takes time to learn even the basics of a computer and how the Internet works. Starting a business can be a scary transition from working for someone to working for yourself.  It can be daunting to have to  learn a new technology.

Luckily, starting a business online doesn’t require breaking the bank with startup costs. If you have a computer and access to the Internet, you’re already well on your way to gaining the business acumen you’ll need.

Websites and other types of help exist that promote senior entrepreneurial activities.  They offer solutions to any and all problems seniors may face. At first, seniors may be intimidated by all they have to learn to become an online entrepreneur.

2. Fear of not being able to learn

Some would-be senior online entrepreneurs are afraid they may not have the mental prowess, business acumen or energy to make an online business work. They also don’t want to take on financial burdens and run a risk of losing their savings.

Most media stories tend to focus on younger entrepreneurs.  Mark Zuckerberg is one that comes to mind.  He became a young billionaire by introducing Facebook – a social network used the world over.

There are, however, plenty of senior entrepreneurs who have been enormously successful with startup businesses. At the very least, seniors can easily supplement their retirement income and live a better lifestyle than before the Internet made it possible to become successful with home-based businesses.

3. Physical Limitations

As we age, many of us face changes that place limits on what we can physically do.

Arthritis in the hands or wrists may make it difficult to navigate using a computer mouse and clicking can be downright painful.

Our eyesight may not be what it used to be and we may find many websites impossible to read.

Many seniors do not know that there are accessibility setting on their computer to make the screen easier to read and the computer mouse comes is different designs, some of which might be easier to use.

Most physical “limits” can be overcome with a little help to get you started.

It’s a fact that age isn’t a factor in Internet startup businesses. If you have the passion and can make a commitment to learn and utilize all that computers and the Internet has to offer, you can profit during financially tough times.

Shakespeare wrote, “Leisure is a fine garment for a day, but is horrible daily attire.”

Don’t be content to waste the best years of your life living a financially strapped lifestyle. Learn how the Internet can help make you into one of the growing army of senior online entrepreneurs.

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